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4 Reasons the Roofing Industry Grew Last Year


Have you made any roof-related purchases in the last year? According to OneDesk, the U.S. roofing industry grossed $51.9 billion in 2021, a growth rate of 3.8%. In the same year, there were 108,069 roofing contractors in the states, a 1.6% improvement over the previous year. This admirable growth can be explained by several factors, including:

1. Roofing Awareness

There has been increased awareness about the intricacies of roofing systems, leading to more active consumers. Property owners are looking for a roofer who can deliver an efficient, modern, and stylish roofing system that improves their building’s aesthetics. The increased awareness of the balance between form and function informed the growth of the roofing industry in the U.S. last year. New construction methods that apply modern technologies coupled with advancements in precast concrete and other construction materials have caused a proliferation of unique buildings featuring beautiful roofing designs. Last year saw a rise in demand for new roofing systems in both the residential and commercial sectors. This was informed by a desire to catch up with modern roofing systems.

2. Improved Construction Techniques

Improved construction techniques are another explanation for the growth of the roofing industry last year. Smart and modular construction techniques along with improved automation techniques gave the roofing industry a boost in productivity. There’s no way to ignore these leaps in technology when it comes to industry growth.

3. Recovery From COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic started to ease last year, the construction industry started showing signs of recovery, ending the year in profitable territory. Construction and building infrastructure projects were restarted, leading to a significant part of the growth witnessed in the year. The market expansion also benefited from increased construction activities in the commercial and residential sectors as a result of the recovery of the construction industries in most states.

4. Roof Replacements

Over 90% of the roofing market is dominated by roof replacements, which also account for slightly over 90% of revenue. There is a constant stream of property owners in need of new roofs. If you ask any commercial or 
residential roofer, they’ll tell you that shingles are not permanent. They have to be replaced before their warranty expires. Even as your house ages, maintenance and shingle replacement are necessary tasks.

If you haven’t gotten any work done on your roof in a while, it might be time to do so. Whether you’re looking for a commercial or a residential roofer, contact Len Home Design Inc today to book a consultation.